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Acreditari interne si internationale ale Canisei de RomaniaAntena1emisiuneArbitrajul la carpatinArbitrajul la mioriticCanisa de Romania contactCartea de Origine Romana la zi   Sectiunea COR-CNCCR 1001-4279   Sectiunea COR-CNCCR 4280-5607   Sectiunea COR-CNCCR 5608-8099Ciobanesti mioritici in coproprietate cu alti parteneriCiobanesti mioritici produsi in canisa de Romania - The mioritics dogs made in de Romania KennelConcursuri - Contests   Mioritici in USAConsangvinizarile si rolul lor in chinologie - The consangvinization process in chinology   Dosarul Facultatii de Medicina Veterinara Bucuresti pentru sectiunea reproductie a ciobanestilor romCopilul si caineleDe Romania Mioritics all over the world   Austria   Belgia   Bulgaria   Canada   Columbia   Coreea de Sud   Franta   Germania   Grecia   Israel   Italia   Olanda   Polonia   Rusia   Spania   Ungaria   USA mioritics made in de Romania Kennel      Amza de Romania - Obelix      canisa dlui John Landry      Kaiser de Romania      Nobil de Romania      Parama de Romania      Roxi de Casa NegritoiuDeutsche page   Das filatelische fur mioritic und carpatin hunde   OFFIZIELLER STANDARD DER RUMANISCHEN HIRTENHUNDE MIORITIC   Order 17176-AD-28_04_1998   PAARUNGS WURFVERTRAGEmisiune Antena 1FCI-DOSARUL DE OMOLOGARE CNCCR   1 Cartea de Origine Romana sectiunea ciobanesti romanesti      Canise inregistrate      COR ACHR      COR CNCCR   2 Concursuri      organizate de CNCCR      organizate la ACHR   3 Dosarul media      Actiuni de promovare a campaniei de omologare         Clubul Iubitorilor de Animale      Dosarul foto      Dosarul mass media         ART ZIUA 1999         Arta and Entertainment 15 07 2005         Article from Nine oClock         articol 9AM news 2005         Articol Adevarul 2003         Articol Adevarul martie 2003         Articol Agro Business 2009         articol Atlas Magazin 1999         Articol Banateanul 2005         articol Best Magazin 2003         Articol Curierul Judetean 2001         Articol Curierul National 5 mai 2004         articol despre omologarea ciobanestilor romanesti 05 05 2005         Articol din Ziua si Evenimentul Zilei 1999         Articol Editie Speciala Craiova 2009         articol Evenimentul Zilei 03 12 1998         Articol Evenimentul Zilei 10 01 1999         Articol Evenimentul Zilei 2004 omologare         Articol Evenimentul Zilei 26 martie 1999         Articol Gardianul 2004         Articol Iasi 26 04 2004         Articol Independent 2002         articol Jurnalul National decembrie 2006         Articol Libertatea 04 04 1999         Articol Libertatea 11 04 2005         Articol Libertatea 23 04 2003         articol Lumea Animalelor 1994         Articol Monitorul 2010         Articol Presa Online 2007         Articol Presa online Iasi 2007         articol Prieteni fara grai 1998         articol Prieteni fara grai 2-1998         Articol publicat in USA         Articol revista Lumea         Articol Romanian VIP USA         Articol Stanley bet 2009         Articol Stiinta si Tehnica 1998         articol Terra 2000         articol Tu si Cainele 1999         articol Tu si Cainele 2000         Articol ziarul Expres 2005         Articol ziarul Obiectiv Suceava         Articol Ziua         Articol Ziua 1999         Articol Ziua 1999 - 1         Articol Ziua 7 iunie 2004         Articol Ziua decembrie 1998         Articol Ziua decembrie 1999         AZI         BANATEANUL Falsuri cu blana         Clujeanul 2005         Clujeanul 2005 b         COMUNICAT DE PRESA 2004         Curierul National 2004         Cuvantul Libertatii anul XIII nr 3720         Daily News 2004         Editie de Oltenia 2002         Emisiuni OTV 2010         Evenimentul Zilei 1998         Evenimentul Zilei 2004         Evenimentul Zilei nr 2067 1999         Evenimentul zilei nr 2264 1999         Evenimentul zilei nr 2265 1999         Expres Magazin 1998         EXPRESUL BUZAU         INDEPENDENT 2001         INDEPENDENT 2002         Jurnalul National 1999         Libertatea 1998         Libertatea 1999         Libertatea 2005         Lumea necuvantatoarelor 2000         METROBUS         Metrobus nr 22 1999         Metrobus nr 55 2000         Metrobus nr 59 2000         Monitorul 1999         Monitorul de Brasov 1999         Monitorul de Cluj 1999         Monitorul de Cluj 1999 b         Monitorul de Iasi 1999         Monitorul de Suceava 1999         Monitorul de Vaslui 1999         Monitorul Expres 2004         Nine O Clock 2005         Opinia 2004         Prieteni fara grai 1996         Romania Libera 1999         SOS semnal 1998-1999         Stire Mediafax 2002         Stiri Kappa 17 MARTIE 2003         Stiri ProTv 2010         The Guardian article 1999         Transilvania Express 2004         ZIAR AZUGA         Ziarul financiar 1998         Ziarul Financiar 2005         ZIUA 1997         ZIUA 2002      Molda Magazin   4 Dosarul medical      CV-urile realizatorilor dosarului medical         CV dr Andrei Tanase         CV prof dr Ioan Miclaus      Dosarul foto medical      Entropion      HIP Displazia      Reproductia   5 Dosarul neregulilor si greselilor   6 Dosarul tehnic la mioritic      Cereri oficiale de inregistrare a rasei      Defecte explicate      Desenul mioriticului      Scurt istoric al rasei mioritic      Standardul rasei mioritic   Lista liniilor pe 3 generatii cunoscute fara consangvinizare   Modele de pedigree folosite   Regulamentul de organizare si functionare al CNCCRFilatelie caninaFlori pentru mioriticiIasmin de RomaniaIn memoriam   Astra de Romania - Molda   Sandra   Ursu   Ursu - Iancu de Casa Baros   Ursu de Romania   Veronica de RomaniaLinii fara consangvinizare pe 3 generatii cunoscute formate in Canisa de RomaniaLista arbitrilor si candidatilor de arbitrii CNCCRLista concursurilor CNCCR din Romania   1998      Campionatul Ciobanestilor Romanesti Floreasca-Bucuresti      Finala Campionatului Bucuresti 1998      Iasi 1998      Vizita oficiala a dr J-M-Paschoud presedintele Comisiei de Standarde a Federatiei Chinologice FCI      World Trade Center 1998 Bucuresti   1999      Finala campionatului-Circul Bucuresti 1999      Floreasca 1999      Iasi 1999   2000      Azuga 2000      Bucuresti Floreasca 2000      Finala Campionatului International Bucuresti 2000      Sibiu 2000      WORLD DOG SHOW Milano 2000      World Trade Center Bucuresti 2000   2001      Azuga 2001      Barlad 2001      Craiova 2001      World Trade Center Bucuresti 2001   2002      Azuga 2002      Barlad 2002      Craiova 2002      Mangalia 2002      World Trade Center Bucuresti 2002   2003      Azuga 2003      Barlad 2003      Brasov 2003      Bucuresti Olimpia 14-06-2003      Craiova 2003      World Trade Center Bucuresti 2003   2004      Azuga 2004      Barlad 2004      Brasov 2004      Buzau 26-09-2004      Craiova 2004      Iasi 2004      Ploiesti 23-04-2004      ROMEXPO 05-06-2004      Rucar 2004-OMOLOGAREA UCI      Timisoara 2004   2005      Alexandria 14-05-2005      Barlad 2005      Brasov 19-02-2005      Cluj 2005      Comisani 2005      Craiova 2005      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 2005      Gura Humorului 2005      Iasi 2005      Pitesti 2005      Ploiesti 2005      Ramnicu Valcea 2005      Targoviste 08-04-2005      TIBCO Bucuresti 2005   2006      Azuga 2006      Barlad 2006      Brasov Finala Campionatului International CNCCRR 25-02-2006      Cluj 19-05-2006      Craiova 2006      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 2006      ROMEXPO 03-06-2006      Suceava Ilisesti 2006      Targoviste 05-11-2006   2007      Craiova 2007      Iasi 2007      Ilisesti 06-10-2007      TIBCO Bucuresti 2007   2008      Comisani 2008      Craiova 10-05-2008      Expo Pastoralis 2008 Rucar   2009      Codlea 2009      Comisani 2009      Craiova 2009      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 2009      TIBCO 2009   2010      Ilisesti 2010      Parada Ciobanestilor Romanesti OTV   2011      Filipestii de Padure 2011      Ilisesti Suceava 2011         Prezentarea oficiala rase romanesti 2012   2012      Bucuresti prezentarea oficiala rase romanesti 2012      Targoviste 20 05 2012Materiale publicitare create pentru CNCCR   Banda de ring CNCCR   Bannerele CNCCR   Cupele CNCCR   Uniformele arbitrilor CNCCRMioritici care apartin sau au apartinut temporar Canisei de RomaniaPage en francaise   Filatelie canine   Manneken Pis   Ministere Roumain de Nourriture et dAgriculturePeriajul la mioriticiPersonalitati care au caini provenind din Canisa de RomaniaPublic personalities - owners of mioritic from de Romania KennelPublicistica si mass media   Afise expozitii CNCCR   Articole presa   Calendare club      Calendar CNCCR 2006      Calendar CNCCR 2009   Emisuni tvRegimul de alimentatie medicatie si ingrijire recomandat de catre Canisa de RomaniaRepopularea Romaniei cu ciobanesti romanestiStamps with mioritic and carpatin dogsStandardul oficial al ciobanescului romanesc mioriticUrsu - etalonul rasei ciobanesc romanesc mioriticVanzari puiZiua Nationala a Romaniei Bruxelles

membru din 4 mai 2011

Article from Nine oClock

“The interest in the Romanian Shepherd Dog has increased in the world”
says Cezar Osiceanu, CNCCR vice-president

published in supplement issue 3536 at 2005-10-14

Set up in 1996, the National Club of the Romanian Shepherd Dogs (CNCCR) has asserted itself ever more firmly both in the national competitions as well as in those held beyond the borders of our country. Present in Iasi, last Sunday, Cezar Osiceanu, vice-president
of the Club, told us with satisfaction about the competitions and the samples promoted by CNCCR (www.ciobanesti.ro) and about those who consider that the dog is definitely a friend of man.

- Therefore, a new dog breeding competition has been organised in Iasi…

- Yes, this is the third one held in Iasi since 1996. I have come here from Gura Humorului where the 6th stage of this event was organised and I must tell you that the event held in Iasi is the 7th one, this year. I must also evince the fact that all the competitors, coming from Timisoara, Constanta, Cluj, Brasov, Barlad, Bucharest have appreciated the high level of the Iasi competition, which is part of the qualified
international championships. We had here 75 dogs, of which 37 were Romanian Carpathian shepherd dogs. As a matter of fact, Moldova is the cradle of the two breeds - the Romanian “Mioritic” shepherd dog and the Romanian Carpathian shepherd dog. These are definitely exceptional samples. Moreover, only one “very good” rating was granted, the other ratings being only “excellent.” The most valuable sample of the Romanian Carpathian shepherd dog was absolutely sensational, it weighed 91 kg and its back was about 84 cm. long. The dog called Vadim de Istratoiu belongs to Ivan Dumitru of Timisoara and it has also obtained the award the best sample of the breed. It is the dog which has
obtained the largest number of awards in the history of the Carpathian breed, the most valuable sample alive both as a reproducer and in term of its records.
In retort, the inhabitants of Iasi brought in their turn a sample - Nichita - called “Ciobanel of Pietrarie” (Small shepherd dog of Pietrarie”)
belonging to Mr. Slanina of Iasi. The dog obtained the title of “Romania - first junior.” Practically, the finals of the competition were carried out between these two samples - for the Carpathians shepherd dog breed. As far as the Romanian “Mioritic” shepherd dogs are concerned, the latter were very numerous but the awards left for other regions of the country than Iasi but also elsewhere. The award “Romania - first junior”
for instance was obtained by a puppy coming from Germany, named Mihu de Butte. These are the effects of the controlled dissemination of these two breeds, which our club takes care of. Another dog obtained the title of “Reserve Romania - first junior” and belongs to a participant from Cluj.
The award for the finest sample of the breed in the exhibition was obtained by an absolutely sensational female coming from Barlad. Its name is Dana de Casa Ciobanu (Betty) and belongs to doctor Ioan Bejan. This dog will definitely have a great future!
As a result of the records gathered in Iasi, four “Mioritic” dogs and three Carpathian ones have obtained the award of international champion of the breed, which is also granted on the basis of the previous records.

- The championship has also got an international component, hasn’t it?

- Obviously. Competitors from Germany and the USA have also registered this year for the competition but they were unable to arrive in due time. However, this international character is also lent by the origin of the samples participating in the competition which means that the samples resulting from parents which live beyond the borders of Romania can also participate in this event.

- Do you prepare now for other international competitions, in other countries, as well?

- Yes, indeed. The competitions organised so far in Gura Humorului and Iasi but also the forthcoming ones due in Barlad, Rucar and Ramnicu Valcea help us to select the samples, which will represent us next year in the world Championship due in Poland. It is true that we, the Romanians, have a smaller experience as regards the participation in international events but we do our best to cope with the demands, because we have very good, competitive breeds. Our first participation was in 1995 in Belgium, then in the year 2000 in Milan and next year in Poland. This will be the first direct participation of an authentic Romanian shepherd dog in its capacity as a competitor. We would like to recall
that now new approaches have been initiated by our Club to homologate this spectacular breed in the FCI as well. We await the answer from the American Kennel Club, the largest organisation of such kind in the USA, where I would like to tell you that the ambassador of Romania to Washington, Sorin Ducaru represented us, in both a proper and figurative sense, since he is the owner of an exceptional sample of Mioritic Shepherd Dog called Haiduc de Romania.

- Is it true that the Romanian shepherd dog can be exported?

- Yes and even with a great success. It is a sample in high request lately. Two weeks ago, the latest dog arrived in California, a wonderful female aged now about three months, named Roxi, being the first Romanian Mioritic sample to have ever reached that region of the world. Her owner Alina is delighted and says “she has the most beautiful dog on the Planet”. I have understood that next year “it would come” longing
for Europe, to participate in the World Championship due in Poland. Therefore, the interest in the Romanian shepherd dogs has increased although all kind of false rumours were circulating at a certain time, undermining the breed and the national interest, in keeping with which the Carpathian shepherd dog would represent a cross-breeding, that the Carpathian shepherd dog living in Moldova is not such a stable breed but a variety of a Balkan shepherd dog.
However, the specialists have finally elucidated this issue. All the international dog competitions accept today the Romanian Shepherd Dogs as a pure breed, similar to other canine breeds in the world. We hope to further be quite convincing in this domain. For the time being, we are happy with the prizes they bring to us. And I am sure that they will certainly bring many other awards in the future as well.

by Mihai Neacsu


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